The Oakeshott Institute, in collaboration with the Center for Blade Arts, is pleased to announce that we will be hosting two days of workshops and lectures with Roger Norling, an internationally respected scholar, teacher, and practitioner of Joachim Meyer’s martial system. The event will be March 9th and 10th 2019 1pm-9:30pm each day.

The event will include two five-hour workshops at the Center for Blade Arts and two lectures at the Oakeshott Institute, where relevant historic weapons will also be presented.
Check out some of Roger’s work here
The price for the full weekend, including workshops and lectures, will be $150.00. Tickets are linked below. If you only want to attend the lectures, they will be $20 each, registration button below, or pay at the door.
Lectures Only
Full Workshop
You can also purchase a one year membership with the Oakeshott Institute, which includes events throughout the year. Membership includes all Oakeshott Institute lectures (four per year), Rogers Lectures would be the first of these in 2019. It also includes two tickets to the new, annual, Oakeshott Institute summer pig roast. Register here
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